Discover what truly drives you and others and use this to increase motivation, retention, engagement and results!

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How Motivational Maps can help you!

When we talk about motivation, we mean the energy that gets you up in the morning, that enables you to have an amazing day, a productive day, a day when you feel great! 

Wouldn’t it be amazing to know what it is that you have to create in order for that to happen? 

And what if you could do that not only for yourself, but for your team or those around you too?

We will give you and your team the measure, the know-how and the tools you need to make sure that you have all the energy and internal resources you need for success and wellbeing.

What we can do for you!

Increase Your Own Motivation

Increase your own Motivation!

Become a Licensed Practitioner

Enhance your Team's Motivation, Engagement, Retention and Results!

Licensed Practioner of Motivational Maps

Are you a coach or L&D professionalTake your coaching to another level with Motivational Maps!

Sonia helped my business partner and I overcome some mental hurdles with an amazing Motivational Maps coaching session. She was awesome at guiding us both through our blocks and drawing out the things which were stopping us from moving forward. Following our session, we have restructured our business and are now focussing on areas which are bringing out the best in us. I can't recommend Sonia enough!

Jill Pryor

Blossom lane creatives

I completed the Motivational Maps LP training with Sonia. Highly recommended! Sonia provided a first class experience , providing useful context and her experience as a coach. her passion for motivation made the programme highly engaging and enjoyable. Her support and follow up through the process ensures you feel fully prepped to use the maps with your clients. thanks!

Barum Jeffries


Hi there

My name is Sonia Gavira

Every client and organisation I work with wants better performance - be it from themselves and or from others.

We work on vision, goals, strategy, engagement....

And all of that is great, but I believe we are missing one simple thing without which there is no performance - and that is MOTIVATION.

Without energy, without fuel we and our organisations, cannot perform and yet we rarely do something about it.

This is why when I found Motivational Maps I got super excited! Motivational Maps enable us to identify and measure what it is that drives an individual, a team and an organisation and the information enables us to create strategies to improve performance, retention, wellbeing and more.

What's not to love??

Our blogs

Why if you are a coach you should learn to use Motivational Maps

Why if you are a coach you should learn to use Motivational Maps

I love working as a coach. I have always believed it to be a real privilege to have people trust me enough to share their insecurities, dreams, passions, successes and failures with me. And even more of a privilege to allow me to challenge them, to ask the uncomfortable questions,…

Are you focussed on the future, present or the past?

Are you focussed on the future, present or the past?

Why does this matter? I hear you ask Well, imagine you are a leader in an organisation or you have been given the responsibility to lead in some project at home, school or club you belong to. How would you do it and what might you need help with? If…

How to use motivation to increase performance and get more done

How to use motivation to increase performance and get more done

Motivation is an often used term in business and in sport, in fact whenever a lack of energy and drive and get up and go exist, motivation comes into question – how do I get more? how do I motivate them? why do I not have it? And they are…

Motivational Maps are used by:

HR Professionals    to:

Boost performance
Hire the right people for the culture
Monitor wellbeing
Adapt communication and handle challenging conversations
Increase job satisfaction, performance and engagement

Coaches & Trainers to:

Understand what drives your coachee straight away
Help your coachee set goals in line with their motivation
Challenge your coachee when their goals don't line up with their drivers and values
Co-create powerful strategies to accelerate your coachee's success

Leaders & Managers to:

Boost performance
Increase engagement
Handle and reduce conflicts
Increase effectiveness of teamwork and collaboration
Increase effectiveness of teamwork and collaboration

More about motivational maps

ISO accredited profiling tool
Translates feelings into data
Quick and easy questionnaire
Available to be used at an individual, team and organisational level
Learn what motivates people and why in order to drive engagement
Use the maps to strengthen teamwork and collaboration
Use the maps to increase retention
Create a culture based on understanding that promotes growth and wellbeing
Take the guess work out of recruitment
Missing link in performance

Used by HR professionals, coaches and trainers as well as leaders and managers. Motivational maps are a cost effective way to measure engagement at an individual, team and organisational level.

About Motivational Maps

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